

Links & Contact

Katri Matikainen Tampere, Finland
2023-2025 Fine Art Photography studies
2014 Dance Animateur
2013 Specialized Studies in Dance Pedagogy
2000 Media Assistant (Vocational Qualification in Audio-visual Communication)

Discord Insaneworks

I share my art mostly on Instagram, Hive and Mastodon. Best ways to contact me are via e-mail or discord.

My art does not want to follow but it might mimic. It doesn't care about opinions. It is what it is. It's sometimes nerdy, sometimes quiet but suddenly loud and pointy. And quite often it plays with words.

Taiteeni ei suostu olemaan sitä mitä siltä vaaditaan. Taiteeni ei halua seurata. Taiteeni haluaa leikkiä ja kokeilla, uudistua mutta myös palata vanhaan. Taiteeni haluaa inspiroida ja tulla inspiroiduksi.

Links & Contact

The person on the right is Mrs. Herbert Duckworth (Julia Jackson), photographed 1867 by Julia Margaret Cameron.

I find it simply fascinating that even today there are over hundred year old cameras that can take photographs which have more information than the sensors in modern day digital cameras. More accurate, pixel free and simple but elegant methods of capturing life and making art. But even though it's possible to get sharp photos with old cameras I also embrace blurriness, motion and soft focus. And I welcome the limitations which are the result of my choice of camera and the film combination.